As we begin to see regularly scheduled appointments, we would like to update our patients and referring doctors. Per national guidelines, our practices have been safely treating dental emergencies since the beginning of the pandemic. In accordance with CDC, ADA and NCDHHS recommendations, we continue to implement a comprehensive infection control plan to protect our patients and staff.
A few things you may notice are: Temperature checks for all staff and patients upon entry; Verbal and written screening of patient histories; Physical barriers; Improved patient distancing; Hand sanitizer stations; Medical-grade air filtration throughout the office; Face shield usage; Face masks on all staff; and daily deep cleaning of the office, among other precautions.
For your safety, we may ask you to: Stay home if experiencing signs or symptoms of COVID-19; Scan and record your temperature upon entry; Wear a mask or face covering to the office; Sign a COVID-19 release form; Report whether you have symptoms of COVID-19 or have been in contact with anyone who has been diagnosed, among others.
Our goal is to continue caring for our patients while keeping you, other patients, and ourselves safe. We ask for your patience as we provide endodontic care in a safe environment. Please contact us if you have any questions and we look forward to seeing you!